Sapidity Birch Sap
The Sap of Birch contains more than 40 minerals, amino-acids, antioxidants and natural electrolytes. It is a delicate tree-water, with a neutral PH (range of 5.5 to 7.5) and a light sweet note due to Xylitol and a hint of Fructose.
Birch Sap also contains Chlorogenic Acid and Methyl Salicylate which contribute to regulate appetite, favour the absorption of fats, and so help with weight loss [1]. Birch Sap is an excellent depurative. “It neutralizes toxins, saturated fats, poly-phosphates and pesticides accumulated in the body. Naturally diuretic, it cleans the body of its uric acid, excess of salt, phosphate, urea, ammoniac and other toxins. It eases congestion in tissues, limits the water retention and fights cellulite.” [a]
Chlorogenic Acid
The Chlorogenic Acid modulates the activity of the immune system and helps to reduce the inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis [2]. The Methyl Salicylate is analgesic.
“Birch Sap has antioxidant properties and slows aging. It stimulates cell growth of dermis and skin and protects the cells of the skin against oxidative stress, ultraviolet rays, pollution and the effects of inflammation.” [a]
Flavonoids contained in Birch Sap strengthen blood vessels, decrease blood pressure and fight water retention. [3] [4] (FDA has disproved claims based on polyphenols benefits)
The Birch (lat. Betula – fam. Betulaceae) gives name to Betulin and its derivate Betulinic Acid. These two phytochemical can also be found in Alder bark (F. Betulaceae) and in Chaga mushrooms (Inonotus obliquus) which grow in symbiosis on birch trees.
By inhibiting the SREBPs (sterol regulatory element-binding protein), Betulin compromises the
biosynthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids. [5]
It is a powerful detox that has only a single problem for the pharmaceutical: Betulin is poorly soluble in water.
Betulin also shows regulating and repair effects for the liver and the skin. The cures of birch sap have centuries of tradition. The science discovers its properties only recently: Anti-sceptic, anti- fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, analgesic. [6] [7]
Betulin is an important candidate in the anti-cancer research today, and proved an efficiency cytotoxic, chemopreventive, anti-proliferative and thus by having little or no toxicity to non- cancerous cells. [8] Being new in the fight, Betulin has a remarkable action on cancer which developed resistances in classic medications.
It is an important complement for any chemotherapy. [9]
Furthermore, Betulin showed very positive results in clinical trial for treatment of hepatic wounds ( chronic HepC). [10]
It is also a complement to be considered against kidney stones, against over weigh, and skin problems (eczema among others).
Betulin and Betulinic acid have anti-retroviral properties, and are studied as a supplement to AZT in the fight and the prevention of HIV. [11] [12]
Betulin and Betulinic acid are both present in birch sap under their natural forms, in small amount easily absorbs by the human body. [13] Birch sap is of course edible (approved all over the world). It contains no common allergen. It can be consumed without moderation!
Though, people allergic to aspirin, pregnant women and people affected by serious illnesses should consult their doctor.
Dr Jean Valnet, founder of modern aromatherapy, recommends for the well-being : A cure of 1/2 to 1 glass of sap per day, on an empty stomach, during 21 days, once the year. [b]
At Sapidity we believe in the bio-balance of birch sap.
The composition of birch sap is of an incredible complexity: trace elements, amino acids, betulosides, antioxidants, xylitol, etc. …
This is the reason why we do not micro-filter our sap!
Our sap undergoes no treatment by heat ( no pasteurization).
No addition, our sap is 100% pure!
We harvest by hand, on mature and healthy wild birches.
So, Sapidity Birch Water is an alive sap, with intact all the probiotics and the enzymes which the tree needs to make its first spring leaves.
Sapidity bewares 90 days in the refrigerator (certified by laboratory). Hepatoprotector, Chemopreventive, Hypolipidemic
For the pleasure of an exceptional & hydrating water Or for a spring cure available all year round
Try Sapidity Birch Water! A Living Source Water.
Mathieu and Janet – Harvest & Producer – Sapidity Inc.
St Guillaume Nord – Lanaudière – Québec.
Ref :
[a] Citation de Père François Zannini Naturopathe –
La production de sève de bouleau a une longue tradition monacale en France.
[b] Docteur Jean Valnet « La Phytothérapie – Se soigner par les plantes »
1/2 à 1 verre par jour pendant 21 jours, le matin à jeun.
= Entre 10 et 15 bouteilles de Sapidity Eau de Bouleau sur 3 semaines (= entre 3.5 litres et 5 litres)
[1] Cho AS, Jeon SM, Kim MJ, Yeo J, Seo KI, Choi MS, Lee MK. Chlorogenic acid exhibits anti-obesity property and improves lipid metabolism in high-fat diet-induced-obese mice. Food Chem Toxicol 2011; 48: 937–943.
[2] Antihypertensive effects and mechanisms of chlorogenic acids
Youyou Zhao1, Junkuan Wang1, Olivier Ballevre2, Hongliang Luo2 and Weiguo Zhang1
[3] Tangney CC, Rasmussen HE (2013). “Polyphenols, Inflammation, and Cardiovascular Disease”. Current Atherosclerosis Reports. 15 (5): 324. [4] Higdon, J; Drake, V; Frei, B (March 2009). “Non-Antioxidant Roles for Dietary Flavonoids: Reviewing the relevance to cancer and cardiovascular diseases”
[5] Tang, Jing-Jie; et al. (2011). “Inhibition of SREBP by a Small Molecule, Betulin, Improves Hyperlipidemia and Insulin Resistance and Reduces Atherosclerotic Plaques”. j. cmet. 13 (1): 44–56. doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2010.12.004
[6] Alakurtti S, Makela T, Koskimies S, Yli-Kauhaluoma J. Pharmacological properties of the ubiquitous natural product betulin. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2006;29:1–13. [PubMed]
[7] Robert Carlson, David Gibson Anti-fungal formulation of triterpene and essential oil WO2004089357A2, WO2004089357A3
[8] Comprehensive Review on Betulin as a Potent Anticancer Agent
Sylwia Katarzyna Król, Michał Kiełbus, Adolfo Rivero-Müller, and Andrzej Stepulak
[9] Effect of Betulinic Acid on Anticancer Drug-Resistant Colon Cancer Cells Gwon-Ryul Jung, Kyung-Jong Kim, Cheol-Hee Choi, Tae-Beum Lee, Song Iy Han , Hyo-Kyung Han and Sung-Chul Lim Resistant_Colon_Cancer_Cells/links/54db00cd0cf233119bc4cb88.pdf
[10] Birch bark extract as therapy for chronic hepatitis C–a pilot study. Shikov AN1, Djachuk GI, Sergeev DV, Pozharitskaya ON, Esaulenko EV, Kosman VM, Makarov VG.
[11] Synthesis of HIV-Maturation Inhibitor BMS-955176 from Betulin by an Enabling Oxidation Strategy abs/10.1021/acs.joc.7b00438?journalCode=joceah
[12] Conjugates of Betulin Derivatives with AZT as Potent Anti-HIV Agents
Juan Xiong,a Yoshiki Kashiwada,a,* Chin-Ho Chen,b Keduo Qian,c Susan L. Morris-Natschke,c Kuo-Hsiung Lee,c,* and Yoshihisa Takaishia
Utilisations courantes du bois de bouleau :
- 1re transformation : pâte, sciage (bois de grade et bois de palette), déroulage (feuilles de placages), bois de chauffage (3, 20, BB165)
- Produits à valeur ajoutée : ébénisterie (meubles), nombreux petits articles en bois (cures-dents, abaisses-langues, bâtons de crème glacée, jouets, bobines de fil, etc.), matériaux de construction (parquets, plancher, moulures, panneaux muraux) (2, BB170)
- Revitalisation des sites fortement perturbés.
- Extraction de la sève pour la production de sirop (BB165); la teneur en sucre de la sève est néanmoins très inférieure à celle de l’érable à sucre : de 80 à 110 litres de sève pour produire 1 litre de sirop (ratio de l’érable: 40:1)
- Des substances anticancéreuses et anti-VIH (bétuline, acide bétulinique) dérivées de la sève de bouleau qui contient surtout du fructose (un sucre fragile qui se dénature à > 105 °C).
- Les peuples amérindiens utilisaient les écorces pour la fabrication de canots, d’abris, de traîneaux et de chaussures de neige de récipients étanches chez (BB165)
Comprehensive Review on Betulin as a Potent Anticancer Agent Sylwia Katarzyna Król, 1 , * Michał Kiełbus, 1 Adolfo Rivero-Müller, 1 , 2 , 3 and Andrzej Stepulak
Cichewicz RH, Kouzi SA. Chemistry, biological activity, and chemotherapeutic potential of betulinic acid for the prevention and treatment of cancer and HIV infection. Med. Res. Rev. 2004;24:90–114. [PubMed]
Selective cytotoxicity of betulinic acid on tumor cell lines, but not on normal cells.
Zuco V, Supino R, Righetti SC, Cleris L, Marchesi E, Gambacorti-Passerini C, Formelli F
Cancer Lett. 2002 Jan 10; 175(1):17-25.
Betulinic acid triggers CD95 (APO-1/Fas)- and p53-independent apoptosis via activation of caspases in neuroectodermal tumors. Fulda S, Friesen C, Los M, Scaffidi C, Mier W, Benedict M, Nuñez G, Krammer PH, Peter ME, Debatin KM
Cancer Res. 1997 Nov 1; 57(21):4956-64.
Betulinic acid inhibits growth factor-induced in vitro angiogenesis via the modulation of mitochondrial function in endothelial cells. Kwon HJ, Shim JS, Kim JH, Cho HY, Yum YN, Kim SH, Yu J
Jpn J Cancer Res. 2002 Apr; 93(4):417-25.
Betulinic acid inhibits prostate cancer growth through inhibition of specificity protein transcription factors.
Chintharlapalli S, Papineni S, Ramaiah SK, Safe S
Cancer Res. 2007 Mar 15; 67(6):2816-23.
Betulinic acid-induced apoptosis in glioma cells: A sequential requirement for new protein synthesis, formation of reactive oxygen species, and caspase processing.
Wick W, Grimmel C, Wagenknecht B, Dichgans J, Weller M
J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1999 Jun; 289(3):1306-12.
Discovery of betulinic acid as a selective inhibitor of human melanoma that functions by induction of apoptosis.
Pisha E, Chai H, Lee IS, Chagwedera TE, Farnsworth NR, Cordell GA, Beecher CW, Fong HH, Kinghorn AD, Brown DM
Nat Med. 1995 Oct; 1(10):1046-51.
Betulinic acid-induced apoptosis in leukemia cells.
Ehrhardt H, Fulda S, Führer M, Debatin KM, Jeremias I
Leukemia. 2004 Aug; 18(8):1406-12.
Betulinic acid: a new cytotoxic agent against malignant brain-tumor cells.
Fulda S, Jeremias I, Steiner HH, Pietsch T, Debatin KM
Int J Cancer. 1999 Jul 30; 82(3):435-41.
Phase I and II study of the safety, virologic effect, and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of single-dose 3-o-(3′,3′-dimethylsuccinyl)betulinic acid (bevirimat) against human immunodeficiency virus infection.
Smith PF, Ogundele A, Forrest A, Wilton J, Salzwedel K, Doto J, Allaway GP, Martin DE
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2007 Oct; 51(10):3574-81.